Attention iOS Users with iPhone 7:
We've unfortunately have been unable to resolve the connectivity issue for all of our iPhone 7 users with the iOS Bluetooth Sharing Permissions fix.
We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. This is a widespread issue that is impacting all iPhone 7 users, that seems to be due to a change in their latest Bluetooth hardware. In the short term, our development team is furiously trying to find a workaround to for you to be able to connect to your ilumi again. However, we believe this may need to be resolved via a software update from Apple.
Either way, we will be sure to keep you posted if a fix is found or if we have additional troubleshooting steps you can try. If you have any additional information, please email us right away at
You may be able to connect briefly to your iPhone 7, if you restart your device. But once the connection is dropped (close app, phone goes to sleep), you will be unable to regain that connection again.
We highly recommend, if at all possible, if you have another device in your household that you can use to connect to you ilumi, please use that other device. Because of what is happening with the iPhone 7 Bluetooth issue, you will need to completely restart your iPhone 7 and make sure you do not open the ilumi App. Otherwise, your other devices will be unable to connect, as well.
Thanks so much for your patience! We hope to have a resolution soon.