The All New ilumi Smartbulb Kickstarter campaign was a huge success! 2,816 people helped us raise $365,662 in 21 days. On Day 1, we met our $50,000 goal. By Day 3, we had tripled our initial goal, and at the close of the campaign, we were 731% funded.
Just in case you missed the Kickstarter deadline, you can still pre-order the all new ilumi Smartbulb directly from our website, Everyone at ilumi is doing a happy dance (to Music Sync!) and gearing up to get product ready to ship this September. And our development team has a ton of work ahead of them, as well. We hit our two first stretch goals, and are now developing an app integration for the Apple Watch and Android Smartwear, as well as Amazon Echo.
We're excited to get ilumi to you all, and we're incredibly grateful for such an amazing response so far. The highest compliment we can receive is a referral so please tell you friends and family all about ilumi.
We've taken the next step in the journey, but we're far from done and look forward to a bright future with all of you in the ilumi nation.
Thanks again for helping our project to succeed!
Kind regards,
Team ilumi