Here at ilumi HQ, we're making some great progress on development! Our fantastic team has really buckled down and are putting both their mind and hearts into giving you a great experience with your ilumi. To help you get to know our team better, here’s the first installation of ‘Meet the Faces of ilumi’!
NAME Qinghui or ‘Jeffrey’
JOB DESCRIPTION I put the brains in the bulb, Lead Firmware Engineer
FAVORITE COLOR Cyan Opaque, RGB code #92C7C7
HOMETOWN South China
HOBBIES Watching movies and jogging – but not necessarily at the same time
iOS OR ANDROID? Android. Although iOS is appealing, I like open source more!
MODERN DAY TECH I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT Email and Google (Yes, I need them daily to get my job done)
MY GIG BEFORE ILUMI An engineer at Texas Instruments designing a Bluetooth Low Energy chip, and now, I moved up the food chain.