ilumi LED Smart Lighting Features and Specifications
Do More than Change Colors
Sync to music, wake up to a Barcelona sunrise and more using ilumi LED Smart Light Bulbs and the ilumi app.

ilumi App Features
If This, Then That (IFTTT)
Using IFTTT, you can control your ilumi using Amazon Echo or Google Home.
Make ‘em Say Wow
Dine in candlelight. Bathe under the Northern Lights. Set the mood with ilumi dynamic lighting effects.
Discover a World of Color
Create the perfect atmosphere. Only ilumi with HyperLux® shines brightly with every vibrant color under the rainbow.
Vacation Security
Hey, you’re home! Or are you? Have your lights randomly turn on & off while you’re away.
Music’s New Best Friend
Sync your music and watch your Smartbulbs move to the beat of your fancy dancing feet.
Light Your Routine
With a clock inside every ilumi, enjoy the exact lighting you want on your schedule. Convenient? Absolutely.
Simple Whole Home Control
Start with one or outfit your home. Only ilumi has robust & long-range Bluetooth mesh for control of up to 50 bulbs.
No Hub or Wi-Fi Required
Plug & play setup without bridges, routers, or other hassles. Your ilumi will be up-and-running in seconds.
Enhance the Switch
Set your own everyday “Power On” default for light that’s just right whether you use the switch or the app.
Long Lasting & Energy Efficient
The most energy efficient Smartbulb, ilumi pays for itself! And enjoy up to 20 years of beautiful light.
ilumi LED Smart Lighting

The first and most advanced Bluetooth® Low Energy mesh in the world. The ilumi MeshTek extends the range and increases the number of bulbs you can control over Bluetooth.
ilumi is equipped with our patented LED tech that delivers maximum brightness across the color spectrum, from any shade of bright white light to rich vibrant colors.
Each ilumi Smartbulb is equipped with a real-time clock, flash memory, and other goodies inside every bulb so they remember your favorite settings and schedules delivering the right light at the right time.
The ilumi Smartbulb is the only light bulb you’ll ever need. It lasts up to 20 years and uses a fraction of the energy of a normal incandescent. So don’t worry, it’s also going to pay for itself.
The Original Smartbulb
US Patents: 8,890,435 - 8,922,126 - 8,742,694 - 8,896,232 - 8,896,218 & Patents Pending